ABSENCE (2017)

In a society eager for images, do we effectively enjoy happy times? Or do we live concerned to look like we have a perfect life? Do we live absent and disconnected from ourselves?In a society eager for images, do we effectively enjoy happy times? Or do we live concerned to look like we have a perfect life? Do we live absent and disconnected from ourselves? Absence talks about the inner emptiness, hidden by the peace of mind and happiness, using a mixture of languages and different techniques (photos, written words, embroidery, and video). 

Technical file: photographs, one of them embroidered by hand, and a video with 0:30 seconds duration.

she walks without destination. embellished by the smell of her dreams. absorbed in daydream. she suffers from amnesia of reality. advances with shy steps, dresses with the armor of herself. nourishes of the constant waiting for the future. absent of the present, disconnected from herself. she thinks she is happy (Juliana Arruda).

50cmx33cm, with a margin of 2,5cm, printed photo with mineral pigments on ‘Kozo’ paper and handy embroidery